Do’s and don’ts when you’re over-indebted
Having too much debt can keep you from reaching your financial goals. This is why you need to manage your money wisely to ensure that this does not...
Borrow, Debt Counselling
What should you do if you get a final Letter Of Demand?
Stick up your hand if you have a few credit agreements in place? Now stick up your other hand if you’ve fallen behind with some of your debt...
MoneyShop Youth Month Survey
June was Youth Month. And so we took a look at how a parents finances affect their children. Some key items to take away: More than half of...
What does the all-time low repo rate mean for you?
What does the all-time low repo rate mean for you? The South African repo rate currently sits at 3,5% - the lowest in over 20 years. How does...
Does it hurt my credit profile when I check my credit score?
We have heard this question often: “Does it hurt my credit profile when I check my credit score?” When a bank or lender carries out a hard search...
MoneyShop Credit Health Report
Mike Kann
This report has been compiled using credit report data of clients who applied for credit via the MoneyShop platform between October 2019 and September 2020. Over 1m records...
MoneyShop Savings Survey
Spring is in the air! It is a new month, it is a new season! Please complete our survey so we can better understand how you save, and...
The impact the Coronavirus has had on Rainbow Nationers
Jeez, this year has been a rollercoaster ride, hasn't it? Fingers crossed we've broken the back of COVID, and as we transition from a super-chilly and dreary winter...
Review: British Airways Credit Card
Mike Kann
I really love the British Airways Avios reward programme, so I’ve always been looking for the best way to earn Avios via my credit card spend. Discovery Platinum...
What is a Credit Bureau?
Mike Kann
A credit bureau is a company, registered by the National Credit Regulator, that has the right to both store and selectively sell your credit data. A credit bureau...