Be informed before taking a loan
Be informed before taking a loan. Taking a loan can have a positive impact on your credit score and finances (if used responsibly). So it is worth taking...
Banking, Personal Loan
What does the all-time low repo rate mean for you?
What does the all-time low repo rate mean for you? The South African repo rate currently sits at 3,5% - the lowest in over 20 years. How does...
Does it hurt my credit profile when I check my credit score?
We have heard this question often: “Does it hurt my credit profile when I check my credit score?” When a bank or lender carries out a hard search...
The impact the Coronavirus has had on Rainbow Nationers
Jeez, this year has been a rollercoaster ride, hasn't it? Fingers crossed we've broken the back of COVID, and as we transition from a super-chilly and dreary winter...
Should you ask your bank for a payment holiday? I did! This is what happened
Level 5 of the National Lockdown may be over, but we still have a long road ahead. During this uncertain time, many people have lost their jobs, and...
Was a credit assessment completed when you applied for a loan?
Have you recently applied for a personal loan or a credit card? Perhaps it was a different credit agreement altogether, like a retail clothing account or a payday...
How you can apply for a personal loan via our website
An article in the Business Report section of, published on the 3rd December 2019, wrote that in the latest Consumer Default Index (CDI), released by Experian South...
The Maximum Amount Of Interest You Can Be Charged On Your Personal Loan?
Desperate times often call for desperate measures. A recent Consumer Credit Market Report released by the National Credit Regulator indicated that a staggering 10,75 million credit applications were...
You Have The Right To Know Why Your Credit Application Was Refused
The thing about “consumer rights” is that most consumers aren’t even aware of them! In fact, there are several pieces of consumer-focused South African legislation that have been...
What’s the difference between a Payday and a Personal Loan?
You’ve finally decided to get into shape because your current shape is completely unrecognisable. That New Year’s resolution list, you knocked out on the beach 5-months ago (with...